
Music Video Suggestions?

So, I'm working on a music video, and I need a song for it. And I want your suggestions! Here is a list of my favorite bands (NOTE: This Music Video is loosely based off "Legend" by Marie Lu):

-The All-American Rejects
-All Time Low
-Boys Like Girls
-Mayday Parade
-30 Seconds To Mars
-The Fray
-The Script
-We The Kings
-Fall Out Boy

So, if you have any suggestions, comment below! Also if you have any requests.


Long Time, No See

Hey! In a couple days I'll be going on a trip to a competition. My project for this competition is "How To Make A Stop Motion Animation Production."  So I'll be somewhere teaching people how to make a stop motion. There's a little more about it on Zaylee's Page, so check it out, bye!
~Rachel & The AGDS Crew~


Happy This Year!

Happy New Year Everyone! So, I'm sure you all have seen Saige Copeland, GOTY 2013. Well, on new years I ordered her! She should be here next Wednesday at least. I also ordered 2 of her outfits. Now I'm not very fond of the name Saige, so I've decided to name her Riley Blaire Cross. She will be from Louisiana, and she loves nature. She will have step-sisters and they'll be Emmaline & Skailar.

For Christmas I got the Snow White Pullip doll from my Aunt and Uncle. I named her Winter Whitebridge, for the time being anyway. She has curly black hair and bangs, gray eyes with blue around the outer edge, she's very pale, and her eye make up is green & pink.

Now I have to make room for Riley. Bye!
~Rachel & The AGDS Crew~


Merry Christmas! (almost)

Hey everyone, long time no see. My computer is broken, it's official. My mom brought it to someone who works on computers to fix it like a month ago. It's still broken and it probably can't be fixed, but he's working on it and he's got a few more in the same condition.
So, as for the new year I will be getting next years GOTY. I have no entries for the contest to name her, so me and my 2 best friends decided we would name her. And the name we came up with is, Riley Blaire Olivia Cross. Long name I know.
As for Christmas I know a few things I'm getting, but no specifics. I'm getting doll clothes, clothes for me, boots for me, books (hell yea!), a pullip doll, and more things I can't think of. I have already opened 2 early Christmas presents, one had doll clothes and the other had the book "The Perks Of Being A Wallflower." It's a good book but I don't recommend it for 14 and under (and I'm 12).
So that's all, I love you guys. Have a good Christmas!
~Rachel and The AGDS Crew~


My Computer is...

My Computer is being an a-hole. Sorry I'm using that language but I'm so mad right now. My computer has been broken for a week now so I haven't made any new videos. Also I'm in my schools STLP program, so I can't work on that either. So, you're probably like this by now, "How are you typing this if your PC is broken?" Right now I'm on my mom's iPad. And I just want to inform you that my family probably won't do much for Christmas. So, we can't buy many presents, and our grandma won't be having Christmas (which is stupid because she always complains about how no one goes to see her). So that's all. ILY!
~Rachel and The AGDS Crew~

Main Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAGDstudios
Back Up: http://www.youtube.com/user/50shadesofOREOS
FluffaluffagusGurl: http://www.youtube.com/user/FluffaluffagusGurl


Buying GOTY 2013? Maybe, Maybe...

Hello People Of Earth, And Mars, And Uranus, Etc. So, My Birthday Is Tuesday. And I Will Hopefully Get Enough Money To Buy Saige, Next Years GOTY. I Really Want Her Because I Wanted Nikki And I Couldn't Get Her. If I Do Get Saige, I'm Going To Re-Name Her. I Have A Few Names Picked Out, Since I Don't Know Her Last Name I'll Pick Some Out For Her. So Here Are My Ideas:

First Names; Middle Names
(Dang, That's A LOT!)

Last Names

So, make a name for her using these! Or make your own. If & When I Get Her I Will Announce Who's Name I Picked! Leave Your YouTube Name And I'll Do A Shout-Out For You! So, Yea. I Love You All! Bye!

~Rachel And The AGDS Crew~

YT: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAGDstudios
Back-Up/Extras YT: http://www.youtube.com/user/50shadesofOREOS
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/19hawoli/



Sorry for not posting in a million years! I just started middle school and teachers have piled on the homework. Also, I'm saving up for a new doll! Yay! Hopefully Molly or a JLY. Thats all, so bye!


100 videos!!!

Hey Guys & Gals! Rachel here, of course, with an update. I have redone my doll room, enter some contests, am working on some videos and have nearly made 100 videos!!! I am working on my 100th video and for those of you who check my blog, will get to see a sneak peek of it. ;)  The song is Utopia by Within Temptations! I love it and I worked on filming for 4 days! Thanks for reading!


Hey, Hey, Hey!

Hey Guys! Rachel Here! And I have Some Small News. I have almost reached half of my money goal! I have 40 out of 100 dollars. As you know i am saving up for yet another doll! Even though I dont have enough money (YET!), I am already picking out a doll! :P I always do that! (It's my pet peeve.) I have narrowed it down to 6 dolls. I will post a picture below of the dolls I can't choose between. I want a doll with dark hair, dark eyes (or grey), and bangs. Ok so, bye!


Guess What?

Hey Guys! Rachel Here, And Guess Which Doll Just Got Their Own Channel? If You Guessed Zaylee Holland, You Are Correct! The Channel Is Called 'TheOneAndOnlyZaylee' There Will Be WebCasts, Vlogs, AskZaylee, PhotoShoots, StopMotions, & More! Go Check It Out! Bye!
~Rayhel & Zaylee!

For All The Girls: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAGDstudios
For Zaylee: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheOneAndOnlyZaylee
For Me! (Rachel): http://www.youtube.com/user/FluffaluffagusGurl


I Love You Guys!

Like OMG Guys! I can't belive in 3 days I will have officially have been on YouTube for one whole year! That is EPIC! I am freaking out right now! That is too much for my brain to process! I love you guys, I love love love love love love LOVE you guys so freakin MUCH! Happy 4th! Bye! -Ray & The Gals

To check out the madness go here:


Hey! So, I'm planning on getting Ruthie or Molly. Either from AG or Ebay. Right now I have 29-30 dollars. And I think I'm going to make a custom boy doll. He will have light skin, grey eyes, and dark brown-black hair. You should know by now who he is based off of... GALE HAWTHORE! Yup, team Gale. His name shall actually be Alexander Foster. He shall be AMAZING! -RayRay


Hey It's Rachel from TheAGDstudios,YouTube! As you know,I make doll stop motions, series and sometimes doll crafts. I'm not that well-known for anything. But this blog is for my updates and such! Also I will hopefully get a flickr, too!